Thursday, June 20, 2013

Stop Worrying and Get Creative!

Yesterday, I attended a webinar hosted by Daniel Hall about how to get your book out there. He said that the first important thing to realize is that you do indeed have meaningful subject matter to impart to your readers and that it doesn't have to take months or years to write it either. I found this to be very interesting.

The title here speaks for itself :)
It was actually pretty helpful. Part of the presentation was on how to set up a Word document (both Doc. and Docx.) on Amazon as a Kindle. I took print screens of the slideshow to help with my note taking, so my first book, North Country, should soon be up on Amazon as well, as it is already up on So far on Smashwords, I've sold 3 ebook copies and have had a handful of page views and downloads.
Another of my recent endeavors is that, after a bit of cajoling from my brother, I played Dungeons and Dragons for the first time with him. The type of character I chose to be is a Halfling (race) Rogue (class). I'm basically a short little character with thief skills that is supposed to be quick on his feet and have a decent amount of street smarts. Being an artist, I couldn't help drawing my character out as a visible aid. He was quite fun to design.

Ike Palin, the character I designed for D & D and colored with colored pencils.
I think he turned out quite well. So does my brother and his fiancé,
because they can't stop saying how cute they think he is.

So far, D & D is a pretty fun game. It's based primarily on imagination and storytelling. Since I'm a writer, it seems to suit me just fine and is giving me a little more confidence telling my part of the story aloud to a group, which I've never been that good at before.

Speaking of storytelling, I've recently been working on adding my first fantasy book, North Country, Book One: The Riders of Redrog to Amazon's Kindle. It's now in my bookshelf on Amazon in review, but it should be up for sale in 24 hrs. The name it's under is Nicole Hubbard, as I'm the author. North Country is an epic fantasy adventure that starts out with Liz, a young girl who wants to be a warrior, and Raefon, a young dragon from the nearby walled haven.

 This is a drawing of Liz I did in markers.
This is a sculpture of Raefon I did in super sculpey and painted. That took months, between school and a part time job. There were plenty of frustrations, but I enjoyed the process overall. I want to do another project of this type if I can get the materials.

Here is a short synopsis of the first book:

Liz is a young girl who wants nothing more than to be a warrior like her father. Raefon is the dragon version of the ugly duckling. What does such an odd pair have in common? An ancient bond that has connected them since before their birth. As a girl, however, Liz has no chance of becoming a rider of the great dragons. Raefon’s differences make it impossible for him to get a rider. Can these two destined companions meet before their powerful bond drives them insane? Can they ever be free from the scrutiny of those around them, free to pursue a greater destiny?

Another book that I am working on getting up for sale as an ebook is the first volume of DA Shadow Phantom, a fantasy series I have been working on for a little while now. The main character there is a fourteen-year-old boy called Dalan, who has a curse. Whenever his emotions build up, either due to stress or physical exercise, something stirs inside of him, something not human that is clamoring to get to the surface. Despite his efforts, he can't control it. Is he doomed to live his life alone so he won't inadvertently hurt those he cares for? Or can one of those loved ones learn to accept him as he is and help him on his journey to accepting himself?

Dalan Raymer, a digital image I did of him in his usual getup. The symbol behind his head has a lot of significance in the story, as the readers will find out a little bit further in.

I am currently formatting Volume 1 and creating the cover image for it. I have the first story arch almost all the way written now, but I am releasing it a little at a time. Anyway, once I am done with the formatting and cover image, I will put DA Shadow Phantom, Volume 1: Transformation, I will put it up on Smashwords and Amazon as well.

In the process of all of my endeavors, I am learning a lot and having a lot of fun. For a writer and/or artist, that is what really counts. If you don't have fun doing what you do, why do you do it? I guess that's my thought for the day. I've been reading through a book on how to stop worrying by Dale Carnegie, and it's got some great insights on what stress and worry, and being generally unhappy can do to your health. It's quite true. You feel better physically if you're happy.

Happy reading!

For more artwork and story-related stuff, or if you just want to get in touch with me and see what I'm up to, visit me at these websites:

Facebook profile:

Facebook DA Shadow Phantom:
Facebook North Country Series:

Deviant Art profile:
Tumblr profile:

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