Friday, July 26, 2013

The Readers' Roleplay

Recently, I've been playing a game called Words of Wonder, an interesting take on the whole word search idea, but interactive and with a different, crazier set of rules. Besides killing time, it's been exercising the left side of my brain. I am primarily right-brained, meaning that I have an easier time with creative things rather than more technical ones. Anyway, the setup is rather fun and I've found that it can get a bit addicting, especially if you try to beat your own high scores.

You get different amounts of points, depending on which letters you use in a word, but you have only a certain amount of moves to clear your objective.

Words of Wonder on Facebook, Level 32
I have also just finished reading book two of the Wheel of Time series: The Great Hunt. I'm ready to move on to book three, but unfortunately, I don't have it. I have books four and five, but not three. So I'll have to save some money for it. Anyway, something interesting I found out about myself as I read is that I'm not just an observer, I throw myself fully into the story. For instance, with the Wheel of Time series so far, I find myself relating to Rand the most. As the story unfolds, I'm not jut watching what happens to the characters, at times I become the characters. That is my world, at least while I'm reading, before I have to world hop again.
Maybe that's why I'm so good at writing various characters. It's actually easy for me to jump into various points of view, so I can write even multiple characters accurately. They don't just end up being talking heads. Each one has a motive, personality, and goals, as well as their own personal obstacles, villains and heroes alike.
Rand has just found out that he's the dragon reborn, but he's also wary of the Aes Sedai trying to control him. He's tried to stay away from this supposed destiny for as long as possible, but he can't hide from it any longer. I've gotten into his character so much that I feel what he does in the story, and I even know how he'd react to things before he actually does, as opposed to the way I'd react to things. Unfortunately, since I am so introverted, I'd never make a good actor or roleplayer, especially not around people. I barely survived one session of the Dungeons and Dragons game, and I haven't really had the courage to try it again since.
The third book of the Wheel of Time series
I love this series.
This is a little bit random, but I came across this great artwork that combined an episode of Fullmetal Alchemist with My Neighbor Totoro, a Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It certainly is an interesting mix of feelings and themes, the more innocent feel of My Neighbor Totoro darkened here by the sinister nature of the suggested event in Fullmetal Alchemist. When I saw it, I thought it was a brilliant piece that inspired me. I guess it reminds me of the pure creative mind of the artist. It's incredible how, if even already existing stories and elements are mixed and matched, something totally new can emerge. As an artist myself, I applaud this.

Since I love Fullmetal Alchemist, I just couldn't help but share this :)

My Neighbor Nina, by
On the note of creativity and art, I've been working on my character line up for my story, DA Shadow Phantom. For the basic characters, I've finished the line art and am now experimenting with colors. A line up not only helps me know which characters to design first, it helps me to gage the characters in regard to one another. I get to visualize the characters and their possible relationships; they start to come alive for me. That is important for a storyteller because, if your characters aren't alive to you, if you can't become them at least in some small way, you could very well end up with talking heads.

The story itself is also progressing well. I'm entering the second arc of the plot. Dalan has been fighting for the weak and innocent of Athallia who could not protect themselves. First, he fought against himself, against his own nature. Then he had begun fighting thugs and even entire organizations hiding in the darkest depths of the city workings that were fighting corrupt government control by creating panic and chaos in as much of Athallia as possible. He's even had to face off against the government officials themselves. Now, he's wrestling with a very heavy question. Who is he, and where did he come from? As he learns more about his heritage, he may discover in the process more clues as to what his destiny and purpose are.

Anyway, now that arc one is in full swing and the plot nailed down, I'll gradually begin to put up more volumes and maybe even get a solid start on the graphic novel, especially once the characters are designed. Keep an eye out for these updates!

DA Shadow Phantom: Dalan Aiden Raymer, with the mark of his curse on his back
If anyone has any questions or comments, or if you just want to start a discussion with me, leave a comment after this blog.
For more artwork and story-related stuff, or if you just want to get in touch with me and see what I'm up to, visit me at these websites:
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Internal Struggle of the Dark Hero - Repentence versus Self Loathing

I've finally made serious progress on developing the overall plot for DA Shadow Phantom! I've been so excited since last night I've been almost giddy. It's that kind of excitement that has made me jump to writing a future scene that won't even come up in the story fro quite a long time, but I must write it for fear of losing the insight. Anyway, more on that a bit later.

Recently, I've been listening to a song by Linkin Park called "What I've Done." This has given me a ton of inspiration as far as the main plot in DA Shadow phantom goes. Dalan spends a good portion of the story struggling with himself, with the monster he thinks he's become. The hardest task for him isn't using his abilities to help protect the weak, it's in forgiving himself for his own wrongs and for the times when he failed to protect people. The song really inspired me in this part of the story, as it's about repentance versus self-loathing.

Linkin Park, "What I've Done," from Minutes to Midnight
a poster by

The lyrics that stand out to me the most, especially in terms of Dalan's character are the ones in this verse near the end of the song:

For what I've done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends

I'm forgiving what I've done

It then kicks off into the chorus.

The chorus finishes:

I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done

Dalan's choices are to die in attempted atonement for his shortcomings and the wrongs he's done, of which, later in the story, there are a lot, especially when the creature inside him gets out of control. His other choice, the harder one to make, is to live for the people he is trying to protect, and actually be able to let go of the past so that he can help to create a new future. He needs to forgive himself, as well as those people who have betrayed him, whom he thought where close.

The question boils down to whether or not the hero can find balance within himself before he crosses the line that turns him into a tragic hero, or even a villain.

From the Black Cat anime, Train Heartnet

Train Heartnet as an assassin

An anime I recently watched that has a similar theme I am currently wrestling with for my characters is Black Cat. Black Cat is the code name for a deadly assassin also known as XIII (13), the bringer of bad luck. He is called the "pet cat" of the organization Chronos, one of their top assassins sent to eliminate corrupt people in power. Even though it is an organization that claims to uphold peace for normal people, Black Cat, or Train Heartnet, finds himself trapped in a world where there is always blood on his hands. It is a world in which he feels he has no redemption and no way out.

Once my main character, Dalan, gets fully into the world of fighting the crime in the street of his home city, Athallia, he finds himself in a similar situation. He must fight to protect the innocent people of the city, but can he do that without pronouncing himself judge, jury, and executioner? This is a battle he must face within himself he must face. The question is whether he can truly protect Athallia without getting blood on his hands, or if getting blood on his hands is inevitable. Then the next question is where that fine line is between hero and tragic hero, and hero and villain. Will Dalan have to give up himself and his own sense of honor, justice, and morality in order to protect the people he cares for?

These are questions I am asking myself as I continue in the DA Shadow Phantom series, as I explore the many possible paths the plot can take. Sometimes I find the plot twists exciting. Other times, they are heart-wrenching, even for the writer, since the story come to life can surprise even me.

The journey though art can be the same way. I am currently in the middle of designing a few characters that pop up in the story quite a bit. I am trying to incorporate their personalities right into the designs, which can be fun as well as eluding.
Dalan (right) with his best friend, Matt (left)
Matt has a usually easy-going and mischievous personality, and Dalan often needs to escape from school to deal with the changes happening inside of him, so he ad Matt are a perfect match, even though Matt doesn't know Dalan's secret, why his friend is odd an stand-offish.
Heather (left) an her twin sister (Jinae)
Even though thy are twins, these two could not be more different. Heather is a tomboy and into physical activities such as sports and karate, as well as being a junior lifeguard at a public pol in the summer. Jinae, on the other hand, is into cheerleading, fashion, and flirting with boys. She also as a crush on Dalan, who is friends with her sister. Heather is actually the only other person to find out Dalan's secret for the longest time, as she followed him  few times fleeing school.

Heather, a progress sketch when I first started developing her
Nolin Dyer, another progress sketch
This is a really smart kid, only twelve years old and in high school. Dalan is very protective of him.
After I do rough sketches for characters, I then have to redraw them as clean line art. Using Photoshop, this task is easier, since I can work in layers. After I have clean line art, I can then start experimenting with color. Every color I use or that I think I might want to use, I create swatches for so that I can always get that same color again if I ever have to fix anything.

Jost Trevors, a leader of a secret group at Dalan's high school that focuses on helping the citizens of Athallia that the government has tossed aside. This is the preliminary colored version with swatches.

I start out with flat colors, which I will then later add shading and highlighting layers on top of to provide the necessary lighting and shadow contrast. Just fleshing these characters out artistically helps me to do so in the written version, as I can begin seeing them as real people that have their own struggles. Also, as can be seen from above, I get inspiration for characters and themes from other stories, whether they be songs, movies, television shows, or books. Just taking in many kinds of other stories spurs my imagination.

As a storyteller, they make me feel like I am not alone, that there is one big worldwide conversation I am part of. Thus, I like stories. All kinds of stories. Indulge in stories.

Black Cat: Train Heartnet and Eve

Next time you read a book or see a movie, remember that worldwide conversation.
Have fun on your journey!

For more artwork and story-related stuff, or if you just want to get in touch with me and see what I'm up to, visit me at these websites:
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Facebook DA Shadow Phantom:
Facebook North Country Series:

Deviant Art profile:
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Monday, July 8, 2013

The Community

Lately, it's been so blazing hot where I live that it's been hard to do much of anything, and we can't afford air conditioning. So I've spent the last few weeks in a haze of heat, not sure if I'm awake or if I even want to be awake. All I can say is that I now know why California is called the Golden State, and it's not because it's a gold mine or because everyone's rich. That title is literal. Most of the countryside literally is gold, especially in the summer.

Advertisement images usually shown for California

 And these are literal photos taken in California. This is just one side of this state that some people are never really aware of. *Sigh.*

Reality for California residents not fortunate enough to live directly on some beach

Anyway, enough ranting about the heat for now, I guess. Lately, I've been watching anime and listening to music while doing art associated with my new series, DA Shadow phantom. Today, I was watching Ouran High School Host Club again with my sister. It's one I've seen more than once, but every time, I'm struck by the sense of community the viewers get from the interactions between the characters. There is that overall feeling that everyone belongs, a rarity in real life, but nonetheless something that everyone needs to feel once in a while.

Ouran High School Host Club with the show's key characters:
Haruhi is in the front, and is actually a girl, Hunny is the little boy to her right, Tamake is the tall blonde on the other side of her, and redheaded twins are Hikaru and Kaoru, the dark-haired guy with the glasses is Kyoya, and the guy with dark spiky hair with the solemn expression is Mori
Ouran High School Host Club: Meet the Characters
One thing I've discovered in my own writing adventure is that, sometimes, creating a sense of community is very important in the creation of just about any story. Even if it isn't as bright and shining as the one in Ouran High School Host Club, it's the other characters interacting with the main character or characters that give the readers a real sense of who's who. In other words, the characters become real people living in a real world. Even if the sense of community I show is a dark, fearful, or even creepy one, the readers are drawn into the world I've created.

Trinity Blood: Father Abel, Priest and Cruznik
This character has two major sides, and each one has a vastly different personality. The only way this personality change can be noticed, however, is through his interaction with the other characters, both friends and villains. With friends, Father Abel is a totally bubbly, sanguine character that is obsessed with food. Sometimes, he can even seem a bit silly. Once there's a violent vampire to hunt down, however, his personality does a nearly complete 180. He's suddenly all business and even a bit scary, as he is a vampire that feeds on other vampires himself. His personality in that state reverts to a more Choleric demeanor, one that is all action and has no more time for fun or frivolities.
But without those interactions, as small and inconsequential as they sometimes seem, these odd characteristics of Father Abel would be impossible to get across to the readers, and he wouldn't seem to be a real person.
A funny moment with Father Abel,
just an example of his sanguine personality
One way that I've found to write believable character interactions is to spend time observing the conversations of random strangers. Be subtle about it of course, so people don't think you're stalking them. You'd be surprised what you can learn about people in general by how they interact, and the more knowledge you have, the better your story will be. You don't want to end up with just talking heads. Another way to liven up character interactions, or just to practice your skills, that is actually kind of fun is through collaboration with another writer friend.

For instance, if you each have characters you are working on developing, try putting them in a scene together, determine a situation of some sort, and just go back and forth. Become your character and try to imagine how he or she would react to certain things said or done by the other person's character. My friend and I have done this often, either via chat or Google doc, when we were both on at the same time. Below is an example chat session between me and my best friend where we assumed the roles of our prize main characters engaged in a conversation. On the side, (or in parentheses) is our own interaction in setting the story straight or otherwise (you can skip down to the next image if you don't want to read all the chat stuff, by the way):

5:49 PM Beth: At the sound of Dalan's laughter Daelach's attention was drawn to his companion. His slivery blue gaze met Dalan's amber eyes and Daelach could not stop the look of hurt that flashed through his eyes. His body language shifted to one of mild hurt and even a hint of sorrow when he thought that his apprentice was laughing at him. Then a moment later he sighed as he pushed his feelings aside. At least Dalan was laughing again. That was the important thing.

5:51 PM (your turn)

 me: (back)

  (kay, I gotta read what you wrote)

5:53 PM Beth: (it seems to be taking you a while to process this :) )

5:54 PM me: (sorry, I also have to go back and read why Dalan is laughing in the first place)

 Beth: (why was he laughing?)

  (I was a bit confused by that)

 me: (that's what we get for breaking off in the middle)

5:55 PM (hold on)

5:56 PM Beth: (It would be easier for me to tell if you sorted events into a more logical order XD)

5:57 PM me: (I know, that'll have to wait)

6:00 PM Noticing the expression on his mentor's face, as briefly as it had surfaced, Dalan swallowed any more laughter that wanted to come out. But what should I tell him? he wondered. That I was laughing at his last outburst? It had startled him, but was not the triggering factor. "I wasn't laughing at you," Dalan assured the tall man at last. "I can't explain it. Haven't you ever simply felt like laughing before, even if there is no good reason?"

  He shrugged. "I dunno, it just seems to take the pressure off."


6:02 PM (back)

  "A lot's happened."

 Beth: There was a gentle look in Daelach's eyes as he smiled at his young friend. "I can understand that urge quite well, actually. I'm sorry I was being touchy." He sighed again. "I just can't seem to win," he muttered more to himself than to Dalan.

6:04 PM me: Dalan decided not to comment on that last statement. If he commented on every odd thing Daelach said, Dalan was sure he would never stop talking while he was around the guy.

6:05 PM Beth: (bwahhaha. This is soooo true!)

 me: (hehehe)

 Beth: (Daelach is a huge oddball XD)

  (whose turn is it?)

6:06 PM me: (and the elf side is quite chatty)

  (um, it could go either way)

6:07 PM Beth: (the elf is only supper chatty with people he has a deep connection with. If there is a close bond with someone he finds it remarkably hard to keep his mouth shut and hide information about himself)

6:08 PM me: (being part sanguine will do that to you)

 Beth: (the dragon knows how to keep his mouth shut...usually)

 me: ('usually' is the key word)

So, in stories, as well as in real life, community is very important. In my story, DA Shadow Phantom, I give every character a back story, no matter how minor, even if I never show it to the readers. That way, the characters all have motive when interacting with the main character, making my main character seem all that much more real, his own motives clearer as the plot develops. If Dalan didn't have realistic encounters with even seemingly random people, he would seem to the readers to be cut off from any world, let alone the one I've created for him, just like the figure above on the far right, the one that is standing on a puzzle piece disconnected from the others.
If the illusion is shattered, the readers won't stay in the story. If, on the other hand, the other characters form the pathway to understanding the main character, like the figure above, the story will flow more smoothly. Here is one example of a character interaction that seems random that is actually important. Dalan, my main character, is a shapeshifter running around his home city of Athallia protecting people too weak to protect themselves. One day, he comes across an elderly bag lady being mistreated by a day patrol, whose task it is to keep the streets clear. He defends her.

The interaction is brief and seems inconsequential, but it actually serves two purposes. One, it reveals more of his character, that he really does have a soft heart for those suffering needlessly despite his own problems. Two, as thanks for Dalan's help, the bag lady puts a charm on a pendant Dalan has that his sister gave him. Later on, that pendant helps Dalan on his journey to find out his true purpose.

Dalan's Pendant, batwings protruding from three interlocked triangles,
all circumscribed inside of a hollow ring

On a closing note, DA Shadow Phantom, Volume 1: Transformation is now for sale in multiple ebook formats here:

Everything is finally in order!

I've also submitted it to the Amazon Kindle Bookstore as well, so it should be up there for Kindle within the next twelve hours.

Happy reading!

For more artwork and story-related stuff, or if you just want to get in touch with me and see what I'm up to, visit me at these websites:
Facebook profile:

Facebook DA Shadow Phantom:
Facebook North Country Series:

Deviant Art profile:
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What Makes a Hero and What Makes a Villain?

Recently, I was watching an anime called Vampire Knight with one of my sisters (of which I have two). It’s an interesting and deeply moving story, if not slightly creepy. Two major things are going on in this story. First, there are those in the story that are trying to make it possible for humans and vampires to coexist. Second, the main character, Yuki, has her own battle to fight. Her friend, Zero, is slowly reverting into an E-level vampire after having been bitten by a Pureblood. What he is turning into is a lower class, one that eventually loses all humanity and craves only blood.

Vampire Knight Wallpaper: from the left - Zero, Yuki, Kaname
Despite all common sense, she refuses to leave him, even if that means giving her own blood to pacify him. In many ways, this story brings up in my mind the question: What makes a hero or a savior? Is Yuki truly being a savior to Zero, or is she only prolonging his suffering? This is the question that can fairly be asked throughout this story. Two more animes that broach that very question on a much grander scale are Code Geass and Death Note.

Both stories deal with main characters who are granted power over people, both in a sense dealing with the very issue of life and death. There are those people who are trying to live out their lives peacefully, and those who think nothing of taking life from others. But who decides who deserves to live and who deserves to die? Can someone who takes it upon himself to make that kind of decision concerning other people truly be called a hero? Or does he have the makings of a tyrannical villain?

Code Geass: from left - Suzaku, Lelouch/Zero, C2
Is this the birth of a villain or of a nation's savior?
Death Note: Light and L - ensnared in the coils of justice

This can be a tricky question, as most realistic villains in stories do not harbor the life dream of being evil. In fact, many believe they are actually doing the right thing. What ends up being the turning point for them from hero to villain was that in the great cause they had in mind, they fail to consider the people they are affecting, the individuals they are hurting. Their cause has become greater, so they lose their hearts.

Lelouch and Suzaku of the Rvolution
Another thing to consider also is that, just because a person is the main character, that doesn’t make him a hero. As far as I saw it in Code Geass and Death Note, one of those characters was redeemed at the end for his actions against people for the sake of his cause; the other was not.
Crossovers Wallpaper - Left and right: Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass
and Kira Yamato from Death Note; Middle: a major character from Durarara

This question of villain or hero is a major one for any storyteller. In the story I am currently working on, DA Shadow Phantom, a major question that makes up the plot early on in the series is whether or not Dalan is the hero type character. He’s definitely not a villain at that point, but most of his actions are brought on by the urge to protect himself and his identity at first.
Later on, he gets the urge to protect others. That is one quality of a hero, but not the only one. A lot of heroes have compassion for other people, even their enemies, despite their cause, if they have one. Some heroes will throw themselves into harm’s way to protect people they may not even know. Dalan does those things, though he has some serious doubts about whether or not he’s the one the people around him need to be protected from.

DA Shadow Phantom: Dalan and the bat wing pendant,
a symbol of his identity as the Shadow Phantom
This is a question I’ll have to continue to broach as I continue writing this story. In the meantime, I’ve finally finished the book cover for Volume 1 of DA Shadow Phantom. It will be going up for sale as an ebook within the next couple of days, just as soon as I can finish editing and registering it online. I’ll post a notice as soon as it’s up for everyone to enjoy it.


DA Shadow Phantom, Volume 1: Transformation
This is the written version of the story, though I am designing characters for a graphic novel.
I have no clue when that will truly get underway, but I'll let everyone know.

Happy reading!

For more artwork and story-related stuff, or if you just want to get in touch with me and see what I'm up to, visit me at these websites:
Facebook profile:

Facebook DA Shadow Phantom:
Facebook North Country Series:

Deviant Art profile:
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